If you are using a wireless mouse, the double-clicking issue may be caused by interference of the mouse's wireless signal to the wireless receiver.

For these cases, we recommend you replace the mouse. If the liquid is something other than water, even after drying out, it often leaves behind a sticky residue that is very hard to clean out. If the liquid is water, you can try letting the mouse dry out to see if that clears up the issue. Unfortunately, spilled liquid is more difficult, if not impossible, to clean out from under and around the mouse buttons. You can often clear out dust and dirt from around and under the mouse buttons with compressed air to blow it out. Additionally, if liquid is spilled on or around the mouse, it can cause the mouse buttons to be sticky, resulting in accidental double-click actions. A sticky mouse button could result in a double-click action, even if you clicked the mouse button only once. If dust and dirt is clogging up the mouse buttons, it can cause them to stick.

Repeat the steps above, if needed, to adjust the setting again.