Add a few types of items (tools, armor, etc.). Add or remove items from any chest type (including nether fortress chests and any custom chests added by mods or custom chests you add in the config). There are a few tutorials about Loot++ and about creating some of the less obvious items like the loot items, command trigger items, customizable spawn eggs, and command trigger blocks. Intructions on specific features of the mod are in each config file.
These files generate with a world creation.
The mod also generates a set of files showing info on items, blocks, entities, effects, enchantments, dimensions and ore dictionary entries. This is a mod that allows a Player to change many aspects of the game though customizing config files. Loot Plus Plus Mod 1.8.9/1.7.10 lets you customize many things such as chest loot, as well as add custom items and blocks.
Minecraft 1.16.5 Data Packs (119 posts). Minecraft 1.17.1 Data Packs (249 posts).